Friday, January 26, 2007

“I don’t believe in refrigeration.”

Sister X was taken to the hospital today. The reason, “I don’t believe in refrigeration.”

Sister X is old-school. Not only that, she old. Rumors have that she has a few shout-outs in the bible if you look hard enough. In any event, she does not like “modern” technology, and refuses to embrace its intrusions on the natural human state. In sister X’s view, “modern” technology includes things like refrigeration of food. You can see where this is going.

Hence, she just keeps food stock piled in her room, and away from the convent “ice box.” She ate something she shouldn’t have. It had gone bad. Off the doctor’s she went. I wonder how she took to modern medicine?

While being treated for food poisoning, some other sisters cleared the food out of her room. Three trash bags worth.

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