Monday, April 13, 2015

The End of this Blog

Well, it's been a good run, but this blog is now essentially over. A year or so ago, my mom changed positions at the Convent. She moved from working in the front office, to a sales positions within the Convent's publishing house. This change took her out of direct exposure/contact with most of the nuns. Hence, the craziness was not as accessible, and the crazy work stories dried up, for she now had a "normal" job. Further, in Feb 2015 my mom had a major spine surgery. Ten and half hour operation, with an 18" incision down her back. She was in intensive care for 5 days afterwards. She is back at home now, and doing much better, but she gave her notice at the convent. She will not be returning. The stories, and this blog, have come to an end.

If she remembers any more work stories, or something of the ilk, I will post them. But for all practical purposes, it's all said and done. I thank everyone for reading, and I hope her work stories brought a smile to your face as often as they did to mine.

Best Regards,