Thursday, February 1, 2007

Nun Medical Fashion

Lost your veil? No problem. The towel you stole from the hospital will work just as well.

Sister Darcy is old. 80 something. She was admitted to the hospital a few days ago with chest pains. They kept her on observation status. She got bored. Mom gets the phone call at the Convent:

Mom: Hello?

Darcy: I've checked myself out of the hospital. I need someone to pick me up.

Mom: Uhm, did the doctors OK this? Do they know?

Darcy: I'm not sure, but I want to get out of this place.

Mom: Uhm....OK, we'll send someone over to check-in with you, and with your medical team.

Darcy: Oh, I think one of the nurses misplaced my veil, or maybe I did, so I will be the one in the waiting room with a towel on my head.

Mom: A what?

Darcy: A towel.

Mom: I thought that is what you said.

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