Thursday, March 17, 2011

"These aren't the CD's your looking for."

 I think is one if the best Nun stories I've heard yet.

Mom just called.  "I just have a quick work story for you.  Last night I went to a wake for one of the sisters. She passed a few days ago.  Anyway, we were all sitting there, and they started playing some background music.  I began to laugh as soon I as heard the first few notes.  Someone royally screwed-up and they started playing the theme from Star Wars!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dewey Decimal System of Lost Souls

Things go missing from time to time.  We've all had it happen.  The pen we were using just 2 minutes ago.  Your keys.  A hat.  The car in a very large parking lot.  The children.  Your mind.  Etc.  When things go missing at the convent, it usually involves much more than just a minor mishap, or some mundane story of, "Oh, I lost my crucifix, but then found it again."  Nothing is ever that simple with the Sisters.

Take for instance the call I got from my mom today.  She tells me that a license plates from one of the convent vehicles had been missing for about two weeks.  No one seemed to know where it had gone.  They just assumed it had fallen off while driving somewhere, which is rather unlikely.  They did not report it lost or stolen to the RMV and police.  "Loosing" a license plate is odd enough.  But it gets much more amusing.  It was found this afternoon, in the convent library, filed neatly between two books in the philosophy section.  Hilarious.  I am trying to find out which two books it was between.