Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mostlly Clear Skys, with a 70% Chance of Angels After Midnight

Mom called with the latest spiritual forecast. Apparently, this is a new feature at the convent.

Sister Jenna is old. Rumor has it that she even has a few "shout-outs" in the Old Testament. Her eyes are not what they used to be. Apparently, her mental state might also be a few wafers short of a decent meal. Sister Jenna walked into Mom's office. The following conversation took place;

"It's going to be nice out for the next two weeks," Jenna stated.

"Oh?" mom asked, with some suspicion.

"Yes, I saw a angel fly by the moon last night, so I know it's going to be nice out for the next two weeks," Jenna explained.

"Oh, isn't that nice, should we plan a picnic?" mom asked.