Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Chernobyl Platypus

First, see the previous blog update, located here.

I went to see my parents over the weekend. While at their house, I noticed this on the fridge (I blacked the face out for the blog).

ME: Mom, what the hell is this?!?

MOM: Oh, she died about two weeks ago. That was the saying she was most known for. She said it all the time. That is a remembrance card that was floating around the convent.

ME: WHAT?!? You're kidding me. They "remembered" her with that!? What is a "Lambie Duck" anyway? Is that something she made up? 

MOM: She had this stuffed lamb. Nuns like lambs, you know. Well, she decided to put webbed feet on it for some reason. Then she started calling it a "Lambie-Duck." Don't ask. They even said, "She could be a bit bazaar at times" during her eulogy. She tried to put it in the manger scene during Christmas one year. The other nuns did not like this. They said, "There were lambs, cows, and donkeys in the manger, but no weird hybrid lamb-ducks. It must be removed."

ME: I have...no...words...