Tuesday, March 22, 2011

“We know nothing about the marijuana."

Ok, I don't know HOW I forgot to post this story from last year!  I apologize.  This weekend I went to visit mom for her birthday.  She had a real gem waiting for me.  It seems that the story I had forgotten to post last year had finally found its way into the newspaper.  Yeah, this one is THAT good.  Mom had the news clipping for me.

Last summer the phone rings.  It is my mom.  She is laughing so hard she can hardly breath.  I finally get the story of her.  "When I got to work the police and the Department of Agriculture were there.  I go inside and ask Sister X about all the commotion.  She says, "They found 25 marijuana plants growing on the property out back. That is all I can say right now."

WHAT!?!  25 marijuana plants on convent property!?  This is just so funny, and so absurd, that I am really starting to think that my mom is just making-up these stories up, or over-exaggerating, or something. This stuff is just too funny to be true.  Well,  I was proved correct.  Mom did have this story all wrong.  It wasn't 25 marijuana plants.  It was 31!

The News Clipping (Identifying Names removed)

One use for woodland: pot farm
While mystery surrounds the future of the Daughters of XXXXXX...someone already found an unusual use for the property: a marijuana farm.

Boston Police officers found 31 pot plants growing outdoors behind the religious order’s XXX convent last summer, according to a police report obtained by the Gazette. The plants were discovered by engineers surveying the 15-acre woodland for the private sales offering of the land that was recently revealed by the Gazette.

“The nuns from the convent stated that they did not know anything about the plants and how they got there,” said the Aug. 12, 2010 police report. “We know nothing about [the marijuana]. We were the ones who called the police,” Sister Sarah Palin, the order’s treasurer, told the Gazette. She said no other pot plants have been found on the property.

Police officers removed the plants and destroyed them, and never charged anyone with a crime, according to the Boston Police Department.