Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mom Drops the F-Bomb: Sabotage & Vaseline

The convent phone rings. There is an issue.  Nuns have been implicated in sabotage.  Yes, sabotage

Mom hears a conversation on speaker phone.  It is a convent in another major city calling the one mom works at. The story goes like this:

Away Convent had a contractor come in to do some roof work or something.  Turns out contractor is stealing copper products from the Away  Convent (who the hell steals from nuns!?).  The sisters turn to local police for help, and get none (all puns intended).  They had asked for a "under cover stakeout to catch the bad man."  The cops would not play ball.  The Sisters go vigilante, Charles Bronson style.  They ain't messing around.  They put Vaseline on the fire escape that the contractor had been using.  The following day he slips, falls, and breaks his leg.  He is filling a lawsuit.  Criminal charges may be pending.  Sisters in jail.  Nuns in cages.  Religion on trial.

Upon hearing this story, a sister at the Home Convent yells to the sister at the Away Convent,"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?"

In recounting this story to me, it is the first time I have ever heard my mother say the word "fuck."

EDIT: This convent is all featured in this post. Same roof, second law suit.