Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Nun Beat-Down

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It's hard out there for a nun.

Finding and keeping a job is never easy when your married to Jesus, have issues with your temper, and could "go off" at any moment. Enter Sister Darcy. Part of her old job was taking nuns to the grocery store in the convent van. This was good for Darcy, because it allowed her to "get out into the community, but not too much." Perhaps it was a bit too much.

After losing her driving license* for drag-racing the Convent van (caught twice, and causing several minor accidents on public roads), Sister Darcy was sent to help out at the book fairs. Mother Superior thought this would be a great new job for her. It didn't work out. She ended up in jail.

At her first book fair, someone questioned her on the price of a book. This was enough to make her "go off." She "hault-off and belted the man" (Mom's exact words). Knocked him out. Police were called. She was still "going-off" when law enforcement arrived. She then hit a cop, too. She was arrested for assault.

Sister Darcy has a new, safe, contained job. Now, she can go "postal." She sorts the mail for the Convent. She is also not allowed to attend large gatherings anymore, as they are afraid she will hit someone else.

*When I was 18 my driver's licence was suspended for too many speeding tickets. I was forced to attend "driver retraining" school. There were seven people in my class. Two of them were Nuns. They did not know each other. At the time, I thought this to be very odd. Now, it seems merely typical.

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