Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Poison Isn't Just for Russians: Death in the Chapel

Ok, I love this story. Nun insurrection over how many Easter Lilies were in the chapel resulted in a mass plant poisoning. I remeber hearing this tale last Easter. I sent mom an email for a reminder of the background and facts. I am just re-posting her email (there is no way I could capture the story as well as she does):

"To some sisters, there were too many Easter Lilies in the Chapel-giving them mega headaches from the perfumed scent. This group lobbied to at least have some of the flowers removed-their request was denied!! Matters were taken into their own hands, and plot was hatched to water the liles (selected ones were target) and instead of using water to referesh them-orange juice was the choice of liquid--leading to the death of many liles--and cuttting down on the scent in the Chapel. Mission accomplished with OJ!!!"

(I didn't know OJ was a killer. Well, not *that* OJ. Perhaps it was mixed with some unholy water?)


Anonymous said...

Your blog is hysterical! As an ex-Catholic, schooled by nuns (hence the ex)this is a hoot to read. And all too true!

sedition said...

Thanks for the kind words. I'll be sure to pass then on to my mom. She get's all the credit for this!
