Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Darcy "goes off" on the UPS driver

Below is an email straight from mom this afternoon. My notes are in the ( ).

The Iraqi Report gives one something to ponder...........Now, onto Sr Darcy (see the "Nun Beat-Down" post below for more info about her), and UPS.

A little background on Sr Darcy. She is now around 76 or so. The dear sister was sent to a clinic for anger management about 10 years ago--she was returned with a warning do not send her back--we can not do anything with her!! The UPS driver is scared to death of her, and now, instead of ringing the front door bell and handling her the package, he rings the doorbell, throws the package against the door and takes off like a bat out of hell. Well this gets her very, very mad--big mistake on the driver's part. She was waiting for him today--peaking out the window, when he arrived, threw the package--she sprang into action, whipped the door open, and threw the package back at him. Needless to say there were an exchange of heated words!! Another day with the girls!!


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