Monday, November 27, 2006

"Shit. There goes another cookout."

Don't get nuns wrong. They like to party. The results of "Nuns Gone Wild" often ends up with fire department being called. Case in point:

Everyone likes a good summer BBQ. Nuns do to. They normally throw a big blow-out ever summer in the parking lot in front of the convent. One might not equate nuns with penis envy, but according to mom, they have some pretty burly grilling equipment. Two summers ago they got the party going, and set up the grills under a tree. This proved not to be such a good idea.

No one is quite sure how the tree caught on fire. But all agree it went up quick. All also agree it was pretty windy out, which is why the fire jumped to the other trees pretty fast. The fire department came. The trees were extinguished. The BBQ was cancelled.

Still reeling from the mishap of the previous years BBQ, the nuns were hesitant to try again the following summer. Faith proved a strong force, and the nuns went for round two. Fate , however, seemed to be a stronger force.

The nuns were concerned about recurring hell-fire. They planned for it this time. They moved the grills to the center of the parking lot, away from any tress, shrubs, and bushes. Fire-extinguishers were on hand. What the nuns did not foresee, or plan for, was gravity.

Sister Willamina lives on the third floor of the convent. Her windows face the party-parking lot. She planned to attend the BBQ, after attending to a few things in her room. Willamina had on-going issues with her window air-conditioner unit. The two didn't get along well. Willamina had discovered that shaking the unit often helped it function properly.

On the day of the BBQ, it was hot in Willamina's room. The AC unit did not want to help resolve the problem. The party outside her window was in full swing. Willamina must have shaken the AC a bit too hard or a bit too long, for the unit fell from her third story window, and lodged itself in the windshield of a convent van parked below. Willamina leaned out her window, and yelled, "Shit. There goes another cookout."

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