Saturday, November 25, 2006

iCorpse: Convent Tech Support

The convent server went down. Simple prayer didn't fix the problem. So while waiting for tech-support to arrive, the nuns decided to take things up a notch.

Yes, the convent has computers. Their system even has a shared drive. However, while the nuns are bible-savvy, they have little recourse when technology starts to sin. Such complications may include rebooting, installing system updates, adjusting pixel size, or even finding the printer*. Some things are best left to prayer. And some things, prayer, nor the IT guy, will even touch.

Mom called last week. Chaos at the convent. The server had gone down. Some of the nuns could not access their blogs. None of them knew how to remedy the problem. They ignored the issue for a day or so. It did not fix itself. They located the "server box" and held a group prayer over it. De nada. Mom suggested they call the IT guy. They did. He said it would be a day or so before he could come out to look at.

Things started to get desperate. The nuns decided to up the pray-ante. A few of them decided to get the relics out. The relics are the remains, (i.e. bones) of some of the Order's more holy deceased members. The nuns put the relics on top of the server box. They prayed again. Nothing happened. They decided to leave the relics on the box for server-inspiration.

A few hours later, the IT guy showed up. He asked to see the hardware. A nun took him to the server room. He took one look at the bones and said, "What the hell is that!?" A nun explained. The IT guy said he needed to go back to his truck for something. He did not return.

The phone rang. It was someone from the IT place. He stated that they would re-send a technician out to work on the server, but that "no human remains should be visible, or in the presence, or vicinity of our employees while they are on your site." The nuns agreed to these terms. Their server works now.

*Comming Soon: The sisters "loose" the photocopier.

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