Friday, April 20, 2007

Burning Down the House

Who needs I.E.D.’s when you’ve got Christ-missiles?

So there was a small fire at the convent this week. Apparently, the chapel has some form of spring-loaded candles. Who knew such things even existed? Well, not just one, but TWO, malfunctioned during Mass this week. The result? Yup. Flaming Missiles of Doom. The first Christ-bomb reportedly went about 10 feet. The flame fizzled in mid air. The second one, however, only went about 9-inches, and still had an ember burning on the end of the wick. A small dose of hellfire and brimstone followed. However, a nun quickly stamped it out. Prayer followed.


Anonymous said...

The phrase "spring-loaded candlestick" is quite intriguing, yet the link doesn't indicate what precisely the spring-loading is intended to do! Can you elaborate?

sedition said...

I'll ask mom. No idea what the purpose is for.

sedition said...

Ok, I found out what the "spring load" is for. It basically keep the candle at the same height. A normal candle will burn "down." The spring loaded ones "push up" at the bottom. Hence, so the candle always remains at the same height...provided that it isn't launching across the chapel. ;)