Monday, May 2, 2011

Fountain of Doom

Well, some amusing stories were indeed generated from the "water feature" mentioned in the previous post.  Below is an email mom sent.  Number 6 is my favorite.

1) took a procession to get it in Chapel
2) was hooked up to facuet in room next to Chapel
3) water was collected in kiddie pool underneath-that keep on overflowing
4) was so loud no one could here anything
5) Sister Lucy(92) said running water made her want to go to the bathroom all the time
6) Sister Sue(87) was caught several times using a dixie cup to get her drinks of water from during the daytime
7) Priest said he couldn't hear himself think from noise(which was a good thing, if you ask me)
8) was turned over permantly on Tues
9) Sr Nancy(85) wants to know if they can build a water slide outside now
9) towards the end of the water fall visit to Chapel-it keep on having hiccups-would start then stop--a wonder of Daughters' engineering!!!

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