Saturday, November 25, 2006

Jesus, the terrorist.

Mom called. The sisters are being declassee, again. Here is today's story from the convent.

Sister Mary, a rather bullish woman, without authorization, made some structural changes to her room. She removed part of the wall. She erected a shrine; a 4' crucifix. The shrine also had some shelves attached to it. No one, aside from sister Mary, knew about this little project. She apparently had placed a great weight of books and other items on the shelves. The wall buckled. The shrine collapsed. It tore down part of the wall. Sister Lisa, who lives in the room next to Mary, thought a bomb had gone off. Terrorists. Sister Lisa then proceeded to run about the convent telling the other sisters about the "explosion". For safety, they all filed outside. The fire department was called. Someone took it upon themselves to investigate further. Upon doing so they realized, that more or less, Jesus just hadn't been "nailed to the cross" well enough. He had just taken a nose dive to the floor, taking a good chunk of the wall with him. So much for the bomb.

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